Tuesday 28 January 2014

Install And Configure CSVN on Linux

Install And Configure CSVN  on Linux
1.Java 1.6(JRE) or later (Java 7) must be installed.
2.Python 2.4 to 2.6 must be installed.

install CollabNet Subversion Edge:
1.Create user
    $adduser csvn
2.Switch to the folder where you want to install CollabNet Subversion Edge
    $ cd /opt
3. Untar the file you downloaded from CollabNet.
downlaod from website: http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion
    $ tar zxf CollabNetSubversionEdge-x.y.z_linux-x86.tar.gz
    $ cd csvn
    $ sudo -E bin/csvn install

4.addition to configuring
    vi /opt/csvn/data/conf/csvn.conf

configure this two lines
JAVA_HOME = JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default      and
RUN_AS_USER = csvn

5. Start the server
    $ bin/csvn start

The default administrator login is:

      Address: http://localhost:3343/csvn
      Username: admin
      Password: admin

6. Optional. Configure the Apache Subversion server to start automatically when
      the system boots.
      $ cd csvn
      $ sudo bin/csvn-httpd install

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